During a child's baptism, parents and sponsors promise to "help this child grow in the Christian faith and life" and the community of Christ the King Church makes that same promise with you through our Milestone Ministry.

Each year of your child's life brings new milestones from starting school to graduation and everything in between. Milestones in the church follow these important markers by recognizing that God is with us no matter what. During worship, we lift up those who are celebrating the following milestones in our children's and youth's lives and celebrate as a community.

Some of our milestones we celebrate are baptism chest for our newly baptized members, first bibles for third grade students, small catechism for our 3-year-olds, driver's license, affirmation of baptism of our confirmation class, and graduation. More are offered throughout the year. For more questions, please contact Deacon Ben Remmert.

Milestone Ministry: Children

When a baby is born the family receives visits and meal drops.

The milestone of baptism of a child is accompanied by the gift of a faith chest delivered and presented by members of the congregation.

When young children begin to speak fluently the congregation rejoices with them in the gift of language and makes the gift of Luther’s Small Catechism to the family to nurture the beginnings of formal instruction such as teaching the Lord’s Prayer.

When children grow out of the nursery, the Nursery volunteers hold a party to mark the transition of being at all times in the “big church” during worship and events. The process of increasing independence in learning and faith formation is supported by the gift of a children’s Bible to all entering third-grade students.

Children are invited to begin serving as leaders where they can lead and sing in worship. Children can become acolytes (torchbearers) in worship when they are fourth-grade. Parents can be ushers with their children and ring the bells together.

As the summer begins, we recognize all children attending summer camp.

Milestone Ministry: Youth

As children grow into youth, 6th graders may join our youth group called Luther League! This opens up a variety of events, experiences, and chances to serve and travel. 

confirmation class is offered for youth in grades 7 and 8. Youth are invited to serve as worship servers, crucifers, assisting ministers, bell-ringers, and greeters. As youth complete their 2-year confirmation instruction they affirm their baptism in worship. Within the context of the ELCA synodical and church-wide youth organizations, there are opportunities to develop Christian leadership.

driver’s license milestone recognition is planned in the spring before the summer break. 

High school graduation is celebrated with a rite of recognition during Sunday morning worship.

All who graduate from programs of study or certification are recognized at the same time.

As the summer begins, we recognize all youth that will be attending camp and/or the Luther League summer trip.

Children, Youth, and Family Ministry Team

CTK is a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Community