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Second Saturday Volunteer Outing at the Houston Food Bank
May 13, 8:00am-noon  

At our March outing, Christ the King had a dandy dozen of volunteers lending needed helping hands. They got to utilize their well-honed skills on the scan-a-can project, helping the Houston Food Bank accept thousands upon thousands of pounds of donated food and household goods.

CTK's group of volunteers helped process a total of 19 pallets (12,000 lbs!) of donations that will soon be distributed to neighbors in need. Hope you can join us on Saturday, May 13 from 8:00am to noon!

Houston Food Bank East Branch, 535 Portwall St., Houston, TX 77029
Closed-toe shoes, pants, sleeved shirt (short or long sleeves).
If needed, it will leave the church parking lot at 7:30 am. Please specify if you wish to carpool so we can be sure to send someone there before heading to the HFB.
Contact and RSVP:
Justin and Yuricel at