We invite you to participate in a variety of meaningful and fun forums and events at CtK! Here's what's coming up:
January 26:
Liturgy Study with Rev. Dr. Amandus Derr (Basement Adult Classroom)
New Member Class (3rd floor conference room)
Being a Reconciling in Christ Congregation: What's Next? (Parish Hall)
February 2:
Congregation Meeting, Part 2 9:45 am
February 9:
Liturgy Study with Rev. Dr. Amandus Derr (Basement Adult Classroom)
CCSC Forum Monthly Mission Offering Forum (Parish Hall)
February 16:
Liturgy Study with Rev. Dr. Amandus Derr (Basement Adult Classroom)
Global Refuge Monthly Mission Offering for Lent (Parish Hall)
February 23:
Fireside Chat with Church Council and Pastor Jennifer
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CTK is a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Community
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You are welcome to just "show up" to any of our worship services and we will give you a warm welcome! If you're curious about what worship looks like with us, check out the example worship service video below.