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Dear Beloved Christ the King Community!

Our sermon series is well under way with “Now is the Time” as our theme. We have been exploring themes such as purpose, fulfillment, and what it means to follow Jesus. Our Now is the Time focus and themes have incited my desire to expand on my doctoral thesis work of reforming the way congregations approach short-term mission trips and global relationship-building by writing a book. I have decided that there is no better time than this year to begin and will be using my Continuing Education time for this purpose. I leave this week to spend ten days in Guatemala, beginning this work.

What are you being called toward in this season of your life?  How are you uniquely called to follow Jesus?  What excites your spirit and how can you bring this calling into fruition?

We would love to hear what you are called toward and how we can nurture the Holy Spirit’s work in you.  Maybe you would like to join some of our newly forming groups, such as Hospitality, RIC, the Breakfast Krewe, Adult Confirmation, or the Columbarium Guild. Maybe you have considered serving in worship or offering your musical gifts. Maybe you enjoy being behind the scenes and would consider joining the Altar Guild, Digital Ministry Team, or offering labor for our spring clean up days.  Maybe Now is the Time to join our group that prays daily for congregation members or to assist our Godly Play program for our youngest members.

Our spiritual home welcomes your varied gifts.  We need your gifts to fulfill God’s mission at Christ the King as we strive to be a welcoming and inclusive community nourished by Christ in vibrant worship and committed to God’s mission of love and service, especially to the oppressed and needy.

Thank you for being a part of the body of Christ and for offering your gifts so generously for the sake of each other and our greater community!

Grace and peace, and even more hope,
Pastor Jennifer