Dear Beloved Christ the King Community,
I am writing this blog from Guatemala as I finish a week of continuing education. I have been brushing up on my Spanish, learning about community and Lenten practices, and beginning to work on Holy Week sermons.
Throughout the Lenten season or Cuaresma in Guatemala, flowering trees are blooming all over the countryside. My favorite tree is the Jacaranda with its beautiful and delicate small violet flowers that fall from the branches to the ground, creating a brilliant blanket of purple. They remind me of Lent, where the color purple is designated as the liturgical color for Lent, since purple has long been associated with royalty. Christ indeed is royalty, but a very different kind of royalty than what is expected.
I thought I would share with you this week an excerpt from a poem that I wrote in 2018 about Christ THE King. This poem is a reflection written from the perspective of the plaque holding the inscription on the cross, naming Jesus as King. I invite you to reflect upon this poem and your Lenten journey. I then challenge you to be present these final weeks as we remember Jesus journey to the cross and the amazing gift that has been given to us.
Grace and peace and even more.....hope,
Pastor Jennifer
Mark 15:25-32 (translation from NRSVUE)
It was nine o’clock in the morning when they crucified him. The inscription of the charge against him read, “The King of the Jews.” And with him they crucified two rebels, one on his right and one on his left. Those who passed by derided him, shaking their heads and saying, “Aha! You who would destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself, and come down from the cross!” In the same way the chief priests, along with the scribes, were also mocking him among themselves and saying, “He saved others; he cannot save himself. Let the Messiah, the King of Israel, come down from the cross now, so that we may see and believe.” Those who were crucified with him also taunted him.
THE King (2018)
I am the inscription on the cross where Jesus hangs.
I read .........."The King of the Judeans"
THE king, not a king
Created yesterday
blade chiseling into wood
while he stood
dressed in a purple cloak
an accusation, a charge, a crime
against the divine
the king
THE king, not a king
I am looking out from the top of his cross
at a group of people
noisy with emotion
screaming insults toward me
but not TO me
to HIM
THE king, not a king
I see scribes and priests, high society, law-twisters, God-limiters
minds bound in chains and boxes that will not let go......
of power
supposed power
not actual power
which lies inside of HIM
THE king, not a king
I look left and see another hanging on a cross
weak ........ but with a look of question in his eye
asking who it is that is hanging underneath me
A king?
I look right to find one more hanging
taunting the man below ME
crying out:
"What kind of a king would be hanging alongside
a criminal, a cheat, a low life?"
I listen and wait ......
Will the man below me not answer?
Will he not tell them what I proclaim is true?
He is:
THE king, not a king
I look down to the man under me
noticing the space between our cross and his neck
dried blood speckled across his shoulders
drippings from underneath his thorned crown
the crown of
THE king, not a king
But I cannot see his eyes
Do you see them?
Do you hear them?
Please answer them!
Show them who you are .....
THE king, not a king
I grow weary as HE grows weary
Is there a translucent cloth
between me and those looking on?
Veiling my proclamation,
as I look out upon
proprietors of falsity,
perpetuates of scarcity
instigators of calamity
To him who lived
inconformity to society and
resistivity to the monstrosity
of the perpetuation of poverty
and to the lie
of the ineligibility
of humanity
to the kingdom of God.
Oh veil, be torn!
Rip in two to bring clarity
about who ..... he ..... is
THE king, not a king
What inscription do you wear?
What are the accusations against you?
Not good enough Stupid Worthless Addict
What inscription do you give yourself?
What does your inner-heckler scream?
Fat Loser Unlovable Lost Not Essential
Are your eyes blind too?
Like those of the priests and bandits?
Can't you see it?
Your inscription
THE inscription, not an inscription
THE inscription written upon you
THE inscription carved upon your heart
by the sword of light
held by the hand of THE king
THE king, not a king
YOUR inscription reads ..........
Child of the most high God
Heir of THE King
THE king, not a king
birthed into humanity
to save you and me
and all of creation
Revealing our inscriptions
nestled deep within
but not hidden from him
I am the inscription
HE is THE king
I read the truth
He IS the truth
And he is exactly who I name him to be
Not a king
THE king