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Weekly classes for students are Sundays at 9:30-10:30am beginning September 17 with hybrid in-person and online. Deacon Remmert will lead the class in studying The New and Old Testament. Confirmation class is generally for students in grades 6-8 although special circumstances may be accommodated as to when a student joins the class. One teaching year focuses on Bible study, the second year is on Lutheran life and topics, and the third year is organized around Martin Luther’s Small Catechism. New students are welcome anytime. New confirmation students should contact Deacon Ben Remmert at to register for this upcoming year. 

Godly Play Storyteller Team
Sara Harlan, Bette Bowers, Leslie Winesett, Liz Lloyd, Diane Schoppe, Marie Monroe

Godly Play Doorperson Team
Lindsay Remmert, Nancy Graml, Andy Winesett, David Hope-Tringali, Maureen Sahualla