This coming Sunday, we will be celebrating RIC Sunday. This is a day for congregations that are a part of the Reconciling in Christ program to acknowledge and give thanks to God for the work of expanding inclusion and equity in communities of faith.
Reconciling in Christ is a Lutheran para-church organization that walks alongside congregations, missions starts, synods, seminaries, camps and other communities of faith in welcoming and affirming people from every identity, country of origin, and the like. On May 2023, Christ the King Church voted to publically acknowledge our work by adopting a welcome statement that is prominently featured in the opening page of every bulletin. As you read and reflect on our welcome statement, ask yourself the following: who is God calling us to become as a congregation, as we continue to expand our welcome and make our campus a space accessible to all? Can you see yourself in this statement? What does it mean for Christ the King Church to publicly confess this welcome statement?
La Paz,
Pr. Sergio Rodriguez
CTK Welcome Statement:
Wherever you are in your faith journey, you are welcome here. Called by the Holy Spirit, we are committed to welcoming and celebrating all people, inclusive of culture, age, race or ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, economic status, or family structure. We are committed to the work of racial equity and justice within and through our community that we all may be transformed to be fully the body of Christ in our world. We invite you to worship with us, receive Christ’s gift of Holy Communion with us, share your own story with us, and serve with us as we strive to live into God’s universal embrace in Jesus Christ.