Dear Beloved Christ the King Community,
Our Lenten journey has begun! We heard the story of Jesus wandering in the wilderness, being tempted by the devil. Just as the Holy Spirit was abounding within Jesus, guiding him through that journey, so we are being guided through the wilderness seasons of our lives.
In the sermon I offered this past weekend, I encouraged us to be in community to share the wilderness struggles of life together. Our midweek Lenten gatherings are created to provide the sacred time and space for caring conversations and meaningful time together.
Please consider coming to join in our potluck meal in the Rice Village Campus Parish Hall starting at 6pm and going until we gather for an evening vespers service in the Nave at 7pm. We also have two book groups meeting; music learning for our children; board games for our youth; and Ukranian egg decorating.
Whether your journey this Lent is a time of wandering in the wilderness or a time of sharing the struggle of another, know the Holy Spirit is guiding you and moving you toward hope.
I leave you this week with some words of wisdom from a favorite theologian of mine:
“We will encounter great obstacles and splendid views, long dry deserts and shadow-rich trees. We will have to fight against those who try to attack and rob us. We will also make wonderful friends. We will often wonder if we will ever make it, but one day we will see coming to us the One who has been waiting for all eternity to welcome us home.”
-Henri Nouwen, Can You Drink the Cup?
Grace and peace, and even more hope,
Pastor Jennifer