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Greetings Beloved Christ the King Community,

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven...." (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

             and we are in full swing, Christ the King.

I want to offer a sincere thank you to those of you who have contributed to our Repair, Refresh, Renew Fall Appeal.  As I announced in church on Sunday, we have collectively given over $88,000 towards this appeal and have scheduled both our Rice Village Campus roof repair and parking lot repair.  This is the final week of our appeal, and I can't wait to announce a new total to you this coming weekend.  Please consider contributing to this appeal to help us reach our goal.  We have only $22,000 yet to go, and will keep on scheduling much needed property repair if we surpass our goal.

I also encourage everyone to come to Rally Day this Sunday between services to meet our faith formation leaders for all ages.  Exciting information will be shared as to all of the wonderful continuing and new programming that is starting this fall.  Many new opportunities are being offered to meet the needs of our spiritual home and beyond.  I can't wait to tell you more.

Finally, I want to say how delightful it is to see those of you returning to our worship services in person after a summer of travel.  I have loved hearing how our digital ministry and livestreaming has helped you stay connected, no matter where you are.  Please take the time to thank our digital verger team of volunteers, Andy and Emily Winesett and Mark Lichtenberger who support this ministry under the leadership of staff member and seminarian, Rachel McWhirter. 

Grace and peace, and even more hope,

Pastor Jennifer

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay