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Summer Greetings, Beloved CTK Family!

This is the week we will be releasing our CTK Summer Road Trip curriculum.  I am grateful for the creative collaboration of our ministry staff to bring to you this unique opportuntity to explore faith both individiually and as a community throughout the summer with a variety of learning materials and gathering opportunities crafted specifically for you.  

We hope that no matter where you are geographically this summer that you take advantage of this opportunity to grow in faith with God and each other.  I am looking forward to sharing many summer moments with you, whether in-person or online, as we learn and adventure together on our CTK Summer Road Trip.

Finally, I want to leave you this week with a travelers blessing that you and those traveling with you might use during travel this summer.  Know that you are in my prayers and that our extended CTK family awaits your return with great hope and joy!

A Prayer for Travelers (reflecting on Psalm 121)

As I begin my journey, may I always look toward you, O God, for help.

Help me to be patient on the roadways, waiting in lines, interacting with strangers, and spending time with those I love.  When I am frustrated or filled with stress, help me remember to look toward you.  Remind me to take a deep breath, inhaling your presence and exhaling your love.

As my feet move from here to there, remind me that I am rooted in you no matter where my feet take me.  Be my cooling shade in the hottest sun.  Be my constant light in the darkest evenings.  Be my strongest protector of any evil.

And when today comes to an end, embrace me, O God, and hold me close.  Protect me in my thoughts and dreams.  Keep me always in your neverending love.  I put me trust in you; I rest in you; I travel in you.

In Jesus' holy name....Amen

Grace and peace, and even more, hope!
Pastor Jennifer