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Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me. – Matthew 25:40 (NRSV)

Beloved Christ the King Community,

This has been a very tough week for our community.  Many of us are beginning this week fatigued and discouraged.  And so why am I entitling this blog "Resilience and Gratitude?" 

"Resilience and Gratitude" were what gave me hope this week as I spent time at the home of Lisa Miller.  Her home was wrecked by the May Derecho, and a handful of us gathered there to help move some of her household items to storage, while the home is under construction.  I was honored to listen to Lisa's story, which to me is a story of resiliency.  Despite hardship after hardship, Lisa has endured and forged ahead with grace and gratitude.  She reminded me of the saying: "We do the best we can with what we have."  And that, beloved community, is hope.

Hope is listening; hope is believing; hope is taking the next step, not knowing what tomorrow brings.

Thank you for being a community that seeks to bear the burdens of each other.  I am grateful for you and your modeling of resiliency to each other!

Grace and peace and especially THIS week, hope!
Pastor Jennifer