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Grace to you, Beloved Christ the King Community!

As January comes to a close, we find ourselves in the midst of navigating "New Beginnings" rituals and experiences, new goals and habits, and perhaps some new friendships.  New visitors are present and returning to all of our services.  New staff are off and running with projects and ideas. 

I both invite and challenge you to find a new way to use your gifts in our spiritual home.  Smile at a visitor and introduce yourself.  Find Deacon Aimee or Kim and volunteer your time and talents.   Here are three things coming up that you will want to know about and participate in:

1. Bring CANDLES from your home into church next Saturday and Sunday, Feb 3-4.  We will be blessing candles as part of our Candlemas celebration this coming weekend.  As you return home with your candles and light them and remember, Let your Light Shine in all the World.

2. Sunday, February 4th is an important day in the life of our congregational community.  Between services, we have the opportunity to meet and greet Deacon Aimee Elles.  Immediately after the 11:00am service, we will hold a special congregational meeting for a vote to call Deacon Aimee as our Director of Congregational Engagement.  Following the vote, we will share a meal together as we hold our Annual Congregational Meeting, Part 2.  Please be present as we move into a new season of growth together.

3. Have you ever wanted to participate in the imposition of ashes on Ash Wednesday?  I invite you to join us on Ash Wednesday, offering Ashes to Go to the wider community.  We will be outside our Rice Village Campus in the parking lot providing ashes to those who are not able to attend services.  I challenge you to add your name to a list of volunteers by contacing Deacon Aimee ( and help during one of our Ashes to Go time slots (7-9am, 11am-noon, or 4:30-6pm).  Training is provided and staff will be present.

Let's navigate this season of "New Beginnings" together!  

Grace and peace to you, and especially hope,

Pastor Jennifer