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Dear Beloved Christ the King Community,

Our Lenten journey is now more than halfway over. 

We are enjoying Wednesday meals and worship together.  We are learning about a variety of spiritual practices and trying them out.  And we are planning for Holy Week and Easter Sunday.

I again have an invitation and a challenge for you.  I invite you to Wednesday soup supper and Holden Vespers this week.  Seminarian Rachel McWhirter will be leading Prayer of the Imagination as our spiritual practice this week.  We also are welcoming Beth Nelson Chase from Global Refuge to spend the evening with us.  She has lots to tell us about the important ministry of Global Refuge, which is our Lenten Mission Offering recipient.

My challenge for you is that we need your hands and hearts this Holy Week.  We have NINE liturgies to enact during Holy Week.  The word and concept of "liturgy" comes from ancient Greek and means "the work of the people."  As we enter each worship service, we participate and work together in community to worship and praise God.  Please consider participating this year in one or more worship services during Holy Week.   Would you be willing to read scripture, lift high the cross, serve communion, usher, or ring the bells?  Would your child love to serve as an acolyte or help greet people with the ushers?   Would you and a friend or loved one be willing to carry an item as we strip or vest the altar?  

Many hands make light work and the work of the people, the liturgy, is meant for us all.

Whether this Holy Week is your first here at Christ the King, as it is mine, or whether you have been part of the Christ the King community for decades, I invite you to be part of these special once-a-year liturgies that remember Jesus' journey to the cross for you and for me.

Grace and peace and most of all hope,

Pastor Jennifer