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Dear Beloved Christ the King Community,

Welcome to Principle #5 of our CTK Summer Road Trip!  We are more than half way through the summer and many of us are already thinking about what is coming next.  For some this means preparing for "back to school."  For others this means leaving a cooler summer location and heading back to Houston.  And for some, the normal day-to-day routine simply continues.

As for your senior pastor, these past few weeks have been marked by hurricane recovery, both personally and communally.  The photo that accompanies this post is of the sunflower I mentioned in my last sermon.  This sunflower was grown from one of the seeds passed out on Easter Sunday, March 31st.  It had reached about 6 feet and then was blown sideways in the hurricane.  It has now bloomed, despite growing sideways, into a beautiful joyful radiant yellow flower.

This week I am reflecting on this flower and all of the scripture that it brings to mind having to do with seeds and sowing seeds.  I am also reflecting on the metaphorical seeds planted this past year within our spiritual home that have been nurtured by the Holy Spirit who is bringing forth flowers of all colors and shapes.  

As we move through toward the final principles of our CTK Summer Road Trip, I invite you to consider how you are being nurtured by both Scripture and Spirit into bloom.  We need your gifts and trust they are being nurtured and empowered through the work of Scripture and the Holy Spirit.

Grace and peace, and even more, hope!
Pastor Jennifer