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Dear Beloved Christ the King Community,

This week I want to personally invite you to come to a new expression of worship that we are calling dinner church.  What is this?  This is a time for us to come together to share a meal, explore scripture, and engage in meaningful conversation. 

October’s potluck theme is: “Your favorite food”

We will begin our time together getting to know each other.  Then we will explore a passage from the Book of Revelation, while sharing our favorite foods.  Finally, we will receive Holy Communion and spend quality time together.  Come with an open heart, and a curious mind, and you will not be disappointed.

Dinner church is one of my favorite ways to get to know other people, while exploring what scripture means for us in our daily lives.  I hope that you can come to dinner church and get to know some new or old friends in a meaningful way. 

Please also feel free to invite any friends to come along with you.

Grace and peace, and even more hope,
Pastor Jennifer