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Greetings, Beloved Christ the King Community!

I am back from two weeks in Germany, where I spent time with many people and places connected to our spiritual home.  I had known before traveling that we have many members who at one point have called Deutschland home.  In preparing for travel, many of you shared stories with me of your time living, studying, working, and exploring Germany.  In fact, during my first weeks in September 2023 as your new senior pastor, I was greeted by many from the Houston-Leipzig Sister City Association with hopeful inquiries about deepening relationships with Christ the King Lutheran Church.

The hospitality offered to me and my family in Germany was amazing!  Previous CTK senior pastor Robert Moore and his wife Kathy introduced us to the Leipzig and Wittenburg church communities and organized many learning opportunities for us relating to both Luther and Bach, as well as sharing some wonderful meals together.  Dr. Gabriele Goldfuss, Head of Office for the City of Leipzig, and her colleagues helped us to learn about the history of the city of Leipzig, as well as network with many community leaders there who hope to continue our strong connections through the Houston-Leipzig Sister City Association.  We spent time envisioning opportunities for groups to travel and learn about each other in the future.

One day, in between our learning and meetings, I was surprised to hear a person sitting at an outdoor cafe calling, "Pastor Hope-Tringali, over here.  I was hoping that we would run into you."  A couple who lives in both Leipzig and Florida parts of the year proceeded to introduce themselves to me and explain that they are part of our spiritual home's online community.  They attend our 11:00 am service weekly and find great meaning in participating from wherever they are.  They were very excited to connect in person.  This liminal moment reminded me that even in the midst of a busy day, the Holy Spirit calls us to be present in each moment, listening for those connections that span time and space, reminding us we are part of God's global family.

No matter where you may be this week, know that you are a valued part of this spiritual home and also of a broader local and global community.  Know that you and I are connected though Christ the King to people all over the world who are participating in God's mission right alongside of us.  The Holy Spirit is surely in the midst of us all, entwining us together to enrich both our lives and the lives of those around us.  

Come Holy Spirit, guide us all!
Grace and peace, and even more hope,

Pastor Jennifer